Friday, 5 February 2016

Today I am little bit talking about sales.

  we all know that sales is very important for ourself and for our company also. From sales we can identify the demand of market , demand of customer.After the estimate company can produce the type of product and we can satisfy the customer and can success in life . Main mantra of market if your customer is satisfy so you can do anything customer. If you fail to satisfy the customer so you can't do any thing in market because you can't satisfy your customer. In the market customer is God for you you have to satisfy your customer ,you have to know about your customer need. we know that its very difficult to identify the customer need because customer need time to time change and some time they also switch the brand but the duty of sales manager that his/her customer they have to stick on company brand and they have to identify the customer demands those time to time change.
So, According to me this duty is very difficult to identify the need and demand of customer but what we can do this is a duty of company or sales manager to identify all these things.


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